Through our services we create the climate for individual businesses to thrive by connecting them with others, creating opportunities for referrals, learning and networking, and through direct business promotion with our online directory, social media, sponsorship packages and our annual Best of the WestShore Awards which is carried out in partnership with the Goldstream Gazette. Our members can also access programs, discounts and benefits which help them to save money and make it easier to run their businesses.
Through our connections with the BC Economic Development Association and the Canadian Chamber of Commerce we speak up about issues affecting our community and play an active part in shaping the policies that go to government. We provide opportunities for our community to connect with leaders and candidates at the municipal, provincial and federal level through our events. View our fast facts information sheet, our membership rates or click here to join us! |
2020 WestShore Chamber of Commerce. All Rights Reserved.
2830 Aldwynd Road | Victoria, BC V9B 3S7 Phone: (250) 478-1130 | sitemap | Privacy Policy |